Does Weed Go Bad? How to Tell If Your Pot Has Gone Off

does weed go bad

Does weed go bad? Well, the answer is not quite as straightforward as one might think. Cannabis can go bad for various reasons, most notably over-exposure to oxygen, light, and heat.

Unfortunately, most cannabis users don't know how to tell when their weed has gone bad. In this article, we will discuss the common signs that your weed has gone bad, how long weed should last, and how to properly store your weed to keep it fresh.

How Long Does Weed Last?

The shelf life of your cannabis buds depends on several factors, including how they are stored. For example, Weed stored in an airtight container in a cool can last for many months. However, if you leave your weed out in the open or are exposed to light and heat, it will begin to degrade much faster.

Also, the THC content is essential to how long your weed will last. THC is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, and it degrades over time when exposed to oxygen. As a result, older weeds will not be as potent as fresh buds.

The general rule of thumb is that adequately stored cannabis can last for up to six months before it begins to degrade. However, if you notice any changes in your weed's appearance, smell, or taste, it is likely past its prime.

Signs Your Weed is Past Its Prime

As for how to tell if your weed has gone bad, there are a few key indicators you can look out for.


The most obvious sign that your weed has gone bad is the presence of mold. If you see any white, green, or black mold on your weed, it is no longer safe to consume. Not only does mold ruin the taste of your weed, but it might also cause health issues if consumed.

Trying to cut out the moldy part of your weed is not recommended as the mold will have likely spread throughout the bud. If you see any mold on your weed, it is best to throw it out and get a new batch.


Another way to tell if your weed has gone bad is by smelling it. Fresh weed should have a strong, pungent smell. If your weed has lost its smell or smells off, it is likely past its prime. If your weed doesn't smell as potent as it used to, and there are no other signs of it going bad, it is still probably safe to consume. However, the potency will likely be lower than expected.


The appearance of your weed can also give you an indication of how fresh it is. Fresh buds should be green and sticky with a small number of crystals. If your weed has lost its color and become dry and crumbly, it is probably old.

The appearance of your weed can also be affected by how it was grown and processed. For example, some cannabis strains will naturally have a darker coloration. So, if you're unsure about the freshness of your weed based on its appearance, it is best to smell or taste it first.


The texture of your weed is another indicator of how fresh it is. Fresh weed should be sticky to the touch and shouldn't crumble easily. If your weed is dry and crumbly, it has likely lost a lot of its potency.

However, if your weed is still sticky but isn't as potent as it used to be, you can try rehydrating it. Simply put your weed in a container with a damp paper towel and seal it up. After a few hours, the weed should be hydrated and ready to smoke.

So Does Weed Go Bad? What Happens Over Time:

Over time, the weed's THC content can convert directly to CBN. Also, the CBN does not exist in freshly and carefully dried marijuana. You should note that the degradation of THC appears to proceed at a higher rate for the first year than in subsequent years and levels off after two years to a rate of loss of approximately 16% per year. 

This is why it is important to store your weed in an airtight container in a cool and dark place. If stored correctly, your weed can last for many months without losing much potency.

Does Weed Expire & Lose Potency?

As we've discussed above, weed does not technically expire. However, over time it will lose potency and eventually go bad. The THC content in weed degrades over time when exposed to oxygen, light, and heat. As a result, older weeds will not be as potent as fresh buds.

Does Weed Get Old & Stale?

When something gets stale, it means it has lost its freshness and is no longer as good as it once was. Weed goes stale only when it is left unsecured in the open air for a long time. This is because oxygen, light, and heat will cause the THC content to degrade over time.

Is It Safe To Use Old Weed?

If your weed is old and has lost a lot of its potency, it is still safe to use. However, you might not get the same effects as you would from fresh weed. Although it is best to smoke fresh weed for the most potent effects, you can figure out creative ways to use your old weed.

For example, you can add it to food or make cannabis-infused butter with it. You can also use old weed to make a high-CBD tincture. Another perfect example of recycling an old weed is by using it as an edible. Making edibles includes making gummies and cookies.

If you don't want to smoke your old weed, these creative ways of recycling will produce more effects than simply throwing it away.

How To Properly Store Weed

Now that you know how long weed lasts and how to tell if it has gone bad, you might be wondering how to store weed. The best way to store weed includes the following:

Choose Your Container

Selecting a suitable container is the first step in storing your weed. You should avoid using plastic containers because they can allow moisture to seep in and affect the quality of your weed. Glass jars are an excellent option for storing weed because they are airtight and will keep your weed fresh for longer.

You can also use mylar bags to store your weed. Mylar bags are airtight and will protect your weed from light and moisture. However, they are not as durable as glass jars and can tear easily. If you plan to store your weed for a long time, it is best to use glass jars.

Watch the Humidity

You should also be careful not to store your weed in an environment that is too humid. If your weed is stored in a place that is too moist, it can develop mold. To avoid this, you can use a Boveda pack with your weed. Boveda packs are small packets you can add to your weed container. They help to regulate the humidity and keep your weed fresh for longer.

You can also use a hygrometer to monitor the humidity in your storage area. The ideal humidity level for storing weed is between 59-63%.

Keep It In The Dark

Another essential factor to consider when storing your weed is light. You should avoid storing your weed in a place that is exposed to sunlight or artificial light. Too much light can cause the THC in your weed to degrade and affect the quality of your weed. Therefore, endeavor to store your weed in a dark place, such as a cupboard or drawer.

Is Freezing a Good Way to Preserve Weed?

You might have heard that freezing your weed is a good way to preserve it. However, this is not the best method for storing weed. Freezing your weed can cause the trichomes to fall off and make your weed less potent.

Ensure you follow the tips above to properly store your weed and keep it fresh for as long as possible.

Where To Buy High-Quality Weed

Now that you know how to store your weed and how long it lasts, you might be wondering where to buy high-quality weed. You can buy premium cannabis goodies from our dispensary! Below, we go into more detail.

No Kids Allowed – Weed You Won't Forget About

At No Kids Allowed, we offer various high-quality cannabis products that are sure to meet your needs. We offer everything from Indica strains to Sativa strains and a wide range of CBD products such as gummies, joints and snacks. What's more our weed strains are known to last a long time without going bad due to high-quality standards that ensure you only get fresh weed.

Explore the finest cannabis selections at no kids allowed—your go-to source in DC for top-tier strains and marijuana products. Stop by our DC dispensary store (only a few minutes from Capitol Hill) or browse our collection online. Connect with us at (202) 897-5993 for expert advice on our premium offerings. For exclusive updates and special deals, follow us on Instagram @nka.dc